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Secure Fact Finder

Welcome to our Secure Online Client Fact Finder!

Our secure online client fact finder allows your financial advisor to collect important information to help us understand your investment needs. After you complete the following questionnaire below, you will receive a risk questionnaire email with 12 important questions for you to answer. Each questionnaire should take 5-7 minutes to complete. 

If you have any questions regarding our fact finder, or the risk questionnaire, please reach out to your financial advisor. Thank you! 

Primary Owner -  Personal Information

Please enter the primary owner's personal information.
Please enter your identification information. Please note that this is optional.

Primary Owner - Address Information

Please enter the primary owner's address information.

Primary Owner - Employment Information

Please select the appropriate industry from the list below. If you are currently retired, Congrats!, please select “Retired” from the dropdown and enter your previous occupation.

If you are
retired, please pick your previous industry, listed retired in the Occupation field, and put your previous employer (Congrats!).

Primary Owner - Trusted Contact

The trusted contact person is intended to be a resource for GVA in administering your accounts, protecting your assets, and responding to possible financial exploitation. The trusted contact must be 18 or older, and would not be able to conduct transactions in your account.

If you do not have a trusted contact at this time, please select "No" and discuss this with your financial advisor. 

Secondary Owner -  Personal Information

If you would like to enter a secondary owner's information, please do so below. If you do have a secondary owner listed on any of your accounts, simply select "No" and move on to the next page. 

Secondary Owner - Personal Information

Please enter your identification information. Please note that this is optional.

Secondary Owner - Trusted Contact

The trusted contact person is intended to be a resource for GVA in administering your accounts, protecting your assets, and responding to possible financial exploitation. The trusted contact must be 18 or older, and would not be able to conduct transactions in your account.

Financial Information

Please select your annual income, net worth, and liquid net worth from the lists below (Liquid Net Worth should be less than or equal to Net Worth). If you do not know your net worth, liquid net worth, or federal tax bracket, simply leave unanswered and work with your financial advisor to determine these values. 
Liquid net worth is exclusive of real estate; only include assets that can be liquidated within 30 days.

Source of Wealth

As we begin the account opening process it is important for us to understand your source of wealth and income. Please select from the appropriate options below. 

Investment Experience

Please indicate how many years of experience you have for each investment type below.

Personal Asset Information

Understanding your total financial picture is important to us, so please use this section to breakdown your percentage of assets by the following categories. Exclusive of your primary home, what is your assets/investments breakdown? (must equal 100%). For example, 20% Equities, 30% Real Estate Investments, 20% Mutual Funds, 10% Checking

Beneficiary Information

The below section allows you to list up to 5 beneficiaries for your retirement account assets. Each beneficiary should include their name, date of birth, relationship, social security number (SSN), share %, type (Primary vs. Secondary), and Pro Rata vs. Per Stirpes.

As a reminder, this section is optional, so if you aren't familiar with beneficiaries, no problem! You may submit your profile without entering this information and reach out to your financial advisor. 
Beneficiary 1 Information
Beneficiary 2 Information
Beneficiary 3 Information
Beneficiary 4 Information
Beneficiary 5 Information